After organising the protests across Russia on Sunday, Alexei Navalny had his court case heard yesterday. The court issued a verdict sentencing him to 15 days in prison and fining him 20,000 roubles, after being arrested on his way to the protests in Moscow on Sunday.

Navalny tweeted from the courtroom stating that “A time will come when we’ll puth them on trial too and that time it will be fair.” During the trial he stated from the defendants chair after several motions being struck down that:

“Even the slightest illusion of fair justice is absent here. Yesterday’s events have shown that quite a large number of voters in Russia support the programme of a candidate who stands for fighting corruption. These people demand political representation- and I strive to be their political representative.”

While Navalny will face his time in jail, this decision might prove counterproductive for Putin, as it seems to garner more support for the anti-corruption movement. It remains to be seen if Putin will be successful in his attempts to block Navalny from the ballod in 2018.

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