We are a new group striving to show shifts and events in European politics in an uncertain age. Specifically, we look to show the influence of American politics on European politics and vice versa.

Our work includes summation of news events from multiple sources, opinion pieces based on factually outlined evidence and we aim to soon publish our own investigative piece on European data protection law.

Contact us:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Europerate-233314570475389/
Email: https://www.facebook.com/Europerate-233314570475389/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Europerator
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/europerate-political-analysis-9949b513b/

If interested in contributing, please contact us at the above email. Please state your prefered field of speciality (nation) and if available, provide us with proposed pieces.


W. Anders: Four years studying SE Asian politics, specializing on ASEAN policy. Additionally has two years experience in political reporting.

G. Anders: Four years studying SE Asian politics specialising in legalese and legislation.

L. Furgeson: Seven years working in UK local governance. While new to writing, she remains very well informed of the protocol and processes of governing. 

P. Price: volunteer editor. Experience in academic writing and fact checking.