UK MEP Diane James calls to wipe the smug smirks off of remainers faces and lies about the creation of a EU military

In a recent interview, linked here, the British member of the European Parliament; Diane James (facebook, Twitter), lied to her electorate about the creation of a European Union military and professed her preference for the UK military forces. While very patriotic, I am sure, lying to her electorate and the British public in general, during…

Trump pulls out of the Paris Agreement- pushes Europe and China into partnership

"The United States will withdraw from the Paris climate accord but begin negotiations to re-enter either the Paris Accords or an entirely new transaction on terms that are fair to the United States, its business, its workers, its people, its taxpayers... So we're getting out. So we will start to negotiate and we will see…

European Data Protection- what is the General Data Protection Regulation and what rights do you have to protect your data under it?

European Efforts on Data protection In january 2012 the European Commission proposed a comprehensive reform of data protection rules in the EU. The regulation is an essential step to strengthen citizens' fundamental rights in the digital age and facilitate business by simplifying rules for companies in the Digital Single Market. A single law will also do…

The Gibraltar issue- what is the problem? UK and Gibraltar vs. EU?

Gibraltar's governing body has accused the Spanish government of manipulating the European Council for it's own benefit in the age old political conflict over gibralter's sovereignty. A draft document on EU Brexit strategy has outlined that the EU cannot agree to any future relationship with the UK applying to Gibraltar without the consent of the Spanish government.…

Trump’s insistence on Nato spending, accusations of wiretapping and indelicate foreign policies, may have done irreparable damage to the western alliance

After the incident with Angela Merkel being handed a fake nato bill for $345 billion dollars, Germany has now rejected U.S. pressure to increase NATO spending. Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel has said the demands were quite unrealistic to believe Germany would spend 2% of its economic output on the military. Germany has in the past, called…

Former national security advisor to Trump requests immunity and thereby confirms either collusion or wrongdoing with Russia, making the actions by house republicans truly treasonous

As has now been reported by media across the political spectrum, from the Wallstreet Journal, to Fox news- Former national security adviser has told the Federal Bureau of Investigation and congressional officials investigating the Trump campaign's potential ties to Russia, that he is willing to be interviewed in exchange for immunity from prosecution. To summarize…

Theresa May’s demand that talks on future trade take place parallel to Brexit rejected in Europe

In a speech given just this morning, Angela Merkel has rejected one of May's central demands in her article 50 letter. May insisted that negotiations on the UK's departure from the EU need not impede talks on the relationship between the two powers taking place. In the six page letter triggering article 50 Theresa May stated:…

The British approach to politics does not combine well with the EU’s. This is creating worries among experts about the success of negotiations on Brexit

With the handing over of May's article 50 letter, the UK officially has two years to leave the European Union and it's single market. The negotiations are promissed to be complicated and long lasting as the UK was one of the central Western European economies in the Union.     EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and the…

A list of interesting facts about ‘Brexit’ the day after Theresa May signs article 50

Angela Merkel has said to industry leaders in Germany that she will put the interests of the remaining 27 member states first, telling German carmakers to brace themselves for a new era of trade tariffs with Britain. The commonwealth A commonly used argument by the 'Brexiteers' is that the commonwealth will bridge the gap left…